We have identified members of our Browne family, know
where they lived in Limerick, and what the house looked like. Can we identify previous generations and
where would we go to look for them?
The Tithe Applotment record for Fanningstown1 (click here to see the Tithe record) shows 75 acres in two
plots held by “Browne Jno & Brothers.” The Tenure Book for Fanningstown identifies
four men who are likely those brothers – John, James, Thomas, and our Timothy
(Thady). It is also highly likely that this property
was previously held by one man, the father of the “Browne brothers,” and that
the property was divided equally among the sons according to the Penal Laws.2 The
task, then, is to identify this man. Since
John was specifically listed by name in the Tithe records, the suggestion is
that he was the oldest of the sons.
Baptismal records for any of the sons would be the first
place to look to identify a father. We
know the marriage of Timothy Browne and Honora Kelly took place in early 1830
in Patrickswell RC church.3 Marriages were normally held in the bride’s
parish. However, since their children
were also baptized in this parish, and, we know the Browne brothers were living
in this location, we should look in this parish for other church records. Records for Patrickswell begin in 1801; early
for the area. Records for surrounding
areas do not start until the 1820s, much later than Patrickswell.
Lithograph of Fanningstown Castle from 1860 sales catalogue |
As indicated in the January 2004 letter from the Limerick
Archives (click here to see previous post), no baptismal
record was found for Timothy, or Thady, Browne, nor for any of the other
brothers, John, James and Thomas in Patrickswell or the surrounding areas. I did find other records that alluded to the
family. One was a marriage record for
John Brown to Ellena Kelly in 1825. One
of the witnesses was Patrick Brown. This
couple had a child (John) baptized in March of 1826. The sponsors at the baptism were Thadeus
Brown and Honora Kelly. This certainly
suggests that John is one of the brothers, but, the witness at the marriage,
Patrick, is probably not the father since the earlier Tithe record was already
in the name of the Browne brothers indicating that the father was deceased by
this time.
Another option to check for earlier generations is estate
records. Fanningstown was sold at
auction in 1860 because it was an “encumbered estate.” A sales catalogue was created describing the
land and tenants. This was shown in the
last post. Often the original estate
records were destroyed after the sale since they were no longer needed.4 However, it is worth looking for original
records to see if anything did survive. The
National University Ireland in Galway (NUI Galway) has created a database covering
landed estates in Connaught and Munster (see below). 5 The
estate for Fanningstown and the Jackson family (the owners of Fanningstown
until 1860) is included in the database. (click here to see information on the Jackson estate at NUI Galway)
The origin of this family was Duddington, Northamptonshire, England. There is an inventory of their records held
at the Northampton Record Office.6
I have reviewed the FHL microfilm which includes an index identifying
the contents of the Jackson collection, and, while there are many interesting
entries, no Irish records are available.
Lithograph of Athlunkard House from 1860 sales catalogue |
Part of the Jackson estate sold in 1860 was located in
County Clare. County Clare has a
wonderful library containing many genealogical sources associated with the County
including an index of the Petworth House Collection.7 The
collection contains information about Fanningstown in County Limerick.8 I did check with the West Sussex Record
Office, who has access to the records at Petworth House. As it
turns out, there are two townlands named Fanningstown in County Limerick
located less than ten miles distant.
The “other” Fanningstown is located in the parish of Fedamore and was
owned by Colonel George Wyndham. Since
the Jacksons leased a house, Athlunkard House, from Colonel Wyndham, records
could have been deposited in that collection.
However, there is no record of the Browne family in the documents. It would be interesting to see if there is
any relationship between the two Fanningstowns, but, that will have to be a
project for the future.
Irish records for the 1700s and early 1800s are
scarce. Another record set that covers
the period is the Registry of Deeds.
These records are associated not only with land records as the name
would suggest, but, include sales, assignments or conveyances, rent charges,
leases, mortgages, marriage settlements, and wills.9 Registration
was not mandatory and most seem to be recorded where there was a need to
provide legal evidence, as in the case of a land dispute, and probably excludes
extremely poor people. A tenant holding
75 acres on a long term lease could hardly be labeled extremely poor, but, that
does not guarantee that any “deeds” were recorded. There is an ongoing project, (Registry of
Deeds Index Project 10) started in 2007, to index principle
information in each “memorial;” however, to date, that project has covered
about one half of all deeds. There
are some entries in the project for the Jackson family that owned Fanningstown,
but, it is undetermined if all of the geographic area was covered or only
selected deeds associated with the family.
A further search of the records is indicated. This will take quite awhile to accomplish.11
While the names of earlier generations are not readily
evident, I will continue searching and will report on findings in Ireland as
appropriate. For now, it is time to
leave Ireland and continue with the story of the family in America. That is where we will go in the next post.
2. Miller, Kerby A., Emigrants
and Exiles: Ireland and the Irish Exodus
to North America, Oxford University Press, New York, New York, 1985, pp.
21-22 The Penal Laws were imposed in
Ireland in the early 1700s to prevent
Catholics from gaining power. One of the stipulations was that Catholics
could neither, “purchase land or to lease it for more than thirty-one years. .
. “ Furthermore, “a Catholic could not
bequeath land at discretion; at his death it had to be divided equally among
all heirs, thus fragmenting his estate, unless the eldest son converted to the
Anglican church. . .” This raises
another question about the division of the land. Four “sons” were identified, yet the property
was divided three ways. The Tenure Book,
House Book, and the published version of Griffith’s show John and James on the
same holding. Could it be that James was
somehow “disabled” and not able to care for himself? Thus, the property was divided among the
three able bodied sons who were to care for James?
3. U.S. Census records and the ships passenger list suggest that
Hannah Kelly was born between 1804 and 1809.
A Baptismal record from Patrickswell RC Church on 19 Jan 1802 exists for
Honora Kelly with parents Thoma Kelly and Catherine McNamara. If this Hannah was married in 1830, she would
be a little older than normal for a first marriage. This could be our Hannah but more research
needs to be done in the church records to determine any association with this
person to the Browne family.
5. Moore Institute for Research in the Humanities and Social
Sciences, Connacht and Munster Landed
Estates Database, National University of Ireland, Galway. The database is a collection of information
relating to historic houses, landed estates and the families who owned the
estates in Ireland from 1700 to 1914. It is a “comprehensive and integrated
resource guide to assist and support researchers working on the social,
economic, political and cultural history of Connacht and Munster . . .” Information in the database was gathered from
a variety of sources and is displayed by subject, (name of estate, name of
family or name of house) to assist researchers with locating more detailed data
including specific resources about the topic.
It is available online at: http://landedestates.nuigalway.ie/LandedEstates/jsp/
6. Northampton Record Office, Records deposited by . . . Jackson
(Duddington) collection . . ., Family History Library, microfilm #1951384.
7. Petworth House is located in West Sussex, England. The manuscript collection is made available
through the West Sussex Record Office located in Chichester, West
Sussex, England.
8. Two sets of documents were identified. One of the contents is, “Accounts for
Fanningstown model farm and other documents, 1851-1852.”(Vol 4,
#11,953-11,954). Another is, “Quietuses
for crown rents: Fedamore and Fanningstowne,
Co. Limerick 1604-8, 1608-12.” (Volume I, #342).
9. Rosemary
Ffolliott, “The Registry of Deeds for Genealogical Purposes,” Irish Genealogy:
A Record Finder, Donal F. Begley, editor (Heraldic Artists Lts, Dublin,
Ireland, 1981), pp 139-156
11. The
original indexes to the memorials, as well as the memorials themselves, are
available at the Family History Library.
There are a total of 2,686 microfilm rolls. Two indexes to the records
are given: a Grantor (seller) Index, and a Townland Index. It
will be necessary to review the indexes for possible pertinent records and then
view the associated document. https://familysearch.org/search/catalog/185720?availability=Family%20History%20Library